Welcome to my website.
I am trying to learn HTML and CSS.
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:
- First thing
- Second thing
- Third thing
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
This text will be bold.
This text will be bold. (strong tags)
This text will be italic. (em tags)
The following text will be superscript:superscript (sup tags)
The following text will be subscript: subscript (sub tags)
This text will be struck through. (del tags)
Vivamus aliquam nec lacus scelerisque suspendisse molestie adipiscing cursus et phasellus.
H2 heading
Nunc bibendum quam elit tempus elit quisque sed scelerisque erat facilisis purus enim eu molestie purus felis proin pellentesque cursus amet bibendum congue commodo sit.
This heading is smaller
Placerat a amet felis tortor nulla sed ac erat et condimentum sit nulla lacus mi tristique sed hendrerit nulla aliquam vel sem metus magna suspendisse.
Tempus accumsan facilisis leo maecenas fusce lorem elementum ut tristique tincidunt nisl nunc elit eros dolor eu quis molestie euismod proin sed phasellus mi suspendisse.